
Our Miniature Dachshund Luna is now just over 2 years old. Luna became an extremely nervous, anxious and fearful dog when she was a puppy, finding the outside world, people and other dogs all quite scary. When she was six months old she was attacked and jumped on by an out of control Whippet cross-breed in an incident which was frightening for us all. Alongside this, the puppy class we were attending in Cambridge was not very well run and the trainer allowed larger puppies to chase her, telling us it was good socialisation. Plus, as she was a very cute puppy wherever we went people would constantly put hands out to stroke her and bend down to touch her without asking, which became hugely overwhelming for her and also us. It got to the stage where she really didn’t want to leave the house. We knew we really needed some help and fortunately were recommended Adem by a neighbour who had previously had help from him. 


We have been having regular one-to-one sessions with Adem for well over a year now. He is a lovely person and it is a pleasure to spend time with him. He has helped train us to understand Luna, which in turn is helping her to be less fearful and anxious. He has also made us better dog owners, showing us where we had been going wrong and getting us on track in terms of feeding, playing with her and getting her to settle on one bed in a room (rather than the three plus a sofa we were providing her with)! We know how to read Luna so much better now and are able to help her in a wide variety of situations and environments using the knowledge and tools he’s given us. The sessions we have are always extremely thorough and enjoyable for us and Luna, we find them invaluable. From the first session when Luna barked at Adem for 3 hours solid, Luna now really enjoys Adem’s company, taking treats, playing with him and allowing him to stroke her. Fears and anxieties are not easy to fix and we still have a long way to go, but with Adem’s help and the techniques he uses we are making great improvements. Adem and Sally are always on hand to answer any questions we have after our sessions and we feel fully supported by them both. I wouldn’t like to think how we would be coping had we not got help from Adem, we definitely no longer feel worried and alone in helping Luna.  


In addition, we also attend training classes once a week at the Dog-ease school, which for Luna is much more than just a class and more of a behavioural session top up for her. Adem has brought Luna into the class setting in such a positive way for her and he always sets up individual tasks specifically suited for her, incorporating people and dogs as he sees fit. She definitely enjoys doing a few rounds on the smaller agility equipment but the classes allow her to interact at a suitable pace with people and dogs in a safe controlled environment that she is now very comfortable with. Adem always directs us and other people and their dogs so Luna does not feel stressed or worried. They have proved to be very helpful to Luna’s rehabilitation and are enjoyable for us all. Luna now gets very excited when we drive into the paddock each week and will happily take a treat off people and sit with other dogs of all sizes in a group environment. With the indoor area we can work in when there is inclement weather, as well as the large outdoor paddock, it is a great place for dog classes. Sarah has also been hugely helpful in getting Luna to interact with her and take treats and always makes us feel welcome.

We really would recommend Dog-ease to anyone with a dog experiencing behavioural issues, Adem absolutely loves dogs, can read them like a book and is a true expert in his field. He will do all he can to help with any issues your dog may be having.

Owner of Luna


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