Perfect for drying your dog’s wet or muddy paws!
We have had a bit of rain recently and here is an example of an action that you can teach to help you and your dog in every day life.
The ‘twist’ or ‘spin’ command is perfect for getting your dog to wipe their own paws. This can be a great time saver for you (and fun too!) plus can be great for dogs who perhaps aren’t so good at being handled and don’t like their paws being touched.
I have also recently been using this command at hydrotherapy to turn her around in the pool and on the hydro treadmill.
Let me know if you give it a go. And tag me in your videos on social media of you having fun training together.
Much love.
Dogtor™ Adem
Disclaimer: All training is attempted at the owner’s risk and Adem Fehmi accepts no liability for any injuries to pets or owners sustained during training. If your dog is showing signs of a behavioural issue please seek professional advice.